Full Service Unlimited Plans
Unlimited Washes, Unlimited Savings, & Exclusive Perks!
Become a Full-Service Clean FREQ Member Today and get your first 2 months at the price of a wash per month!
Exterior Unlimited Plans
Unlimited Washes, Unlimited Savings, & Exclusive Perks!
Become an Exterior Clean FREQ for $20 per month for 2 months on any exterior plan!
Unlimited Prepaid Plans
Give the gift of UNLIMITED full service washes: make your loved one a Clean FREQ! Choose from 3, 6 or 12 months of either our Full Service or exterior wash options. Clean FREQs wash as frequently as they want at any PDQ Car Wash location!
Save even more by purchasing in pairs. Treat yourself or share the certificate as a great gift.
Wash Certificates
Great for gifts or to save time by printing out a wash certificate for your favorite wash. Just purchase online, print and redeem at any of our carwash locations.
Oil Change
Experience the convenience of quick and reliable oil changes at our PDQ Express Lubes. Trust the experts who can get you in and out in 20 minutes or less.
Gift Cards
These cards can be redeemed for any of our services including oil changes, full service and exterior washes.